Sunday, March 29, 2009


NOISE NOISE NOISE is all I hear but I am getting there. I cannot fathom how your hearing People do it all the time! I understand that I will be able to filter out the noise as I get better with my implant but it so different than my hearing aids. I know that the noise was there because people told me it was, but I never heard it so I had to believe you hearies. Now, I know what you all were talking about. No I get to learn all over again how to ignore all the extraneous noise and only focus on what I want to hear. The problem is I need to hear everything so I can figure it all out.

I went to Dawn's house today to hear her for the first time, she was pretty normal sounding, well as normal as Dawn can be! LOL!! Anyways, before I get in trouble, I could understand her pretty well. I was sitting on the love seat and all of a sudden I heard this HIGH frequency loud squeal and it was Patrick turning on the water in the kitchen. Man, that was bad!!! So, I get ready to go home and all of a sudden I heard the jet plane, the first one since my implant but I knew what it was, couldn't find it right away and Troy had to point it out to me. But that was cool, while people are laughing at me standing in the street looking for the jet. So, while I do strange things searching for a sound I think I am doing OK so far.

I am proud of myself that I have not used my hearing aid at all since my implant has been turned on. I am not getting to frustrated yet but I do tend to fade out into la la land because I can't make sense of it. So, if you are with me, please make me be part of the conversation so that I improve, otherwise I will be there but not actively there. Just a coping mechanism that most hard of hearing people have which has proven useful at times but not now in my case.

This is my journal for the day, I'm not falling apart at this time. Stay tuned for more when I might fall apart. LOL

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