Friday, February 6, 2009

Start of the Journey--Bloodwork!

Well, aside from seeing the Dr. and getting the go ahead that I am a good candidate for surgery which was wonderful news, I must say!!!

I had to go and get bloodwork this morning. Now this may not be such an issue for you but I couldn't eat for 12 HOURS. Can you believe these people!? What are they thinking?

Anyways to start the whole story from the beginning, I was set to go to Summit View on Sat. morning at 7:30 so I could go eat since I didn't eat all night, man that was a killer. I get there and they tell me they can't do the bloodwork because my insurance says I have to go to Quest Diagnostics. Now, I want you to know that telling me this at 7:30am, 13 hours after I had last eaten was not a pretty sight. Troy says, "I'll take you to breakfast." Ok, so the people were nice at Summit View and pointed me in the direction of Quest Diagnostics across the road BUT were they OPEN---NOOOO! So, I now get to go eat.

So, on Monday I call Quest Diagnostics all ready to complain about not being open on Sat. to help people that can't really miss work and I got the computer generated voice (uuugghhh!!!) and set my appointment with it. So, getting the bloodwork done wasn't all that bad. The computer voice actually scheduled my appointment right, amazing! The lady takes me back and gets me ready to take my blood and she pulls out 6 vials and NOT the small ones either! I looked at her and siad, "You are going to take all my blood with that many vials!" She laughed and told me, "No honey, you will have plenty when you walk out." Thankfully she was right but then I go outside, get in my car, and eat the breakfast burrito that my sweet husband made for me.

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